Startling Surprise, different glasses

Posted by Michael Hutton on

A familiar quandary in our household... what glass to use for which wine?  After Katie's Masterclass with Riedel glassware, we bit the bullet and bought ourselves a small array of different grape-specific wine glasses.  

Some of these choices are easy, we drink Pinot Noir from the Pinot glasses, and Chardonnay from the Chardonnay glasses.  But what about when the wine does not conveniently into one of the classic French grape varietals that they are designed for?  Last night my creation in the kitchen was an Italian style Pork and Mushroom Ragu, with a rich tomato based sauce.  

My chosen wine to match was a relatively inexpensive Sangiovese (Gran Sasso 'La Bella Addormentata' IGT @ $22.00) hoping to match a deeper fruity wine with the rich sauce and earthy mushrooms.  

We tried the wine in two different glasses, first the Merlot/Cabernet glass, and second in the Syrah/Shiraz glass.  The differences were quite startling.  In the Merlot/Cab glass the wine showed more obviously bright  red fruits, especially on the nose, but astringent on the palate.  In the Syrah glass the same wine exuded deeper and darker fruit, with more full bodied but round soft tannins.

And the match with the dish?  Delicious!!


If you want the recipe I can type one out and send it to you.


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Wine Blog

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