Okay, we are a bit late but we have now joined the world of blogging!

Posted by katie@wineseeker.co.nz on

Welcome to our new blog site where we will share our personal musings, opinions, and erratic thoughts into the wonderful world of wine and beer.

Several different bloggers will be represented on this site – all with a love and passion for fine wines and craft beers:

Julia Cunneen : getting ready for a trip to France, public servant, novice surfer, photographer, learning how to make beer

Katie Hutton : part owner of Wineseeker, management consultant by day, foodie and wine enthusiast, globe-traveller, ex-pat San Franciscan

Katie Merrie : manager of Wineseeker and lover of fine wine!

Michael Hutton : part owner of Wineseeker, currently with a penchant for red burgundy, riesling, cabernet and tempranillo.  Wanna-be-champion of the small business cause.

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Wine Blog

How to prepare for a winetasting

How to prepare for a winetasting

By Michael Hutton

So you've been invited to a wine tasting event!  Here are my top 3 tips to get the most of the experience: Go hungry -...

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Clos de Nouy Vouvray - Jewel of the Loire

Clos de Nouy Vouvray - Jewel of the Loire

By Michael Hutton

"Take another glass of wine. You’ve earned it. You must line your inside with velvet if you are going to pump at it like that...

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